The Internet Bedroom

Good morning Internet dreamer.
The event was finished!

23rd - 24th June, 2016
IDT 10 am ~ 10 am
GMT 07 am ~ 07 am
EDT 03 am ~ 03 am
JST 16 pm ~ 16 pm

Our bedroom is coming back to the internet!

For the second time, it will take place in cooperation with Print Screen Festival which is held in Holon, Israel -- just outside of Tel Aviv. We might be sleeping beside people who sleep at an international media arts festival venue, kept open 24 hours through the night. So let’s have an online sleepover and bring a night into the internet Again!


The internet (@Google Hangouts. Check "How to join?" section below.) URL will be announced here or the Facebook page on the day of the event.

Sleeper’s rule

No chatting or making a big noise will be permitted in the Internet Bedroom. The room is for sleeping! But feel free to snore or talk in your sleep.

How to join?

  1. Prepare for sleeping, wear pajamas and relax.
  2. Bring your laptop or smartphone to your bedroom and login to “The Internet Bedroom” on the Google Hangouts.
  3. Set the camera towards you. Please put on a dim light to be visible if possible.
  4. Let’s hangout in your dream...


The internet is like a roaring noon 24 hours a day. Why don’t we change a chatroom into a bedroom for our sleep?
Andy Warhol freed audiences from the act of watching a movie by screening actors’ sleep. Laurie Anderson connected the world through her subconscious by sleeping in public spaces. Qanta Simizu, who is one of vendors of the Internet Yami-Ichi market organized by IDPW, connected visitors with his father (who had been sleeping in a distant place) via web broadcast and haptic sense. The act of sleeping might bring new forms of communication on the internet.
There now, let’s go to a sleepover night on the internet, where we see a dream of electric sheep together with bots!
When day and night are connected, the internet might take a step closer to Nature.


The Internet Bedroom presented by


Printscreen festival


YCAM [Yamaguchi Center for Art and Media]