IDPW will host an online gathering The Internet Bedroom for a web-based exhibition as part of the series First Look: New Art Online, copresented by Rhizome and the New Museum. We will bring human inactivity into the internet in our sleep! Do you wanna have a historical night of the internet with us?!
Check updates on
the Facebook event page
December 21 10:00AM ~ December 22 10:00AM (EST) 24 hours.
Countdown to the end of the event:
Check Your local bedtime:
The internet (@Google Hangouts. Check "How to join?" section below.)
No chatting or making a big noise will be permitted in the Internet Bedroom. The room is for sleeping! But feel free to snore or talk in your sleep.
The internet is like a roaring noon 24 hours a day. Why don’t we change a chatroom into a bedroom for our sleep?
Andy Warhol freed audiences from the act of watching a movie by screening actors’ sleep. Laurie Anderson connected the world through her subconscious by sleeping in public spaces. Qanta Simizu, who is one of vendors of the Internet Yami-Ichi market organized by IDPW, connected visitors with his father (who had been sleeping in a distant place) via web broadcast and haptic sense. The act of sleeping might bring new forms of communication on the internet.
There now, let’s go to a sleepover night on the internet, where we see a dream of electric sheep together with bots!
When day and night are connected, the internet might take a step closer to Nature.
First Look: New Art Online, copresented by Rhizome and the New Museum
the New Museum
Cooperated by
Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]
The Internet Bedroom presented by